Tuesday 26 July 2011

What an exhausting two days it has been.  And all of it was thanks to the stress of my internet connection malfunctioning.  I don't know about you, but it seems to me that my internet has become a big part of my life.  I'm not to sure if this is a good thing or not...

I found myself at a loss today and yesterday, because my main means of communication with my husband was gone.  I had to put off doing banking till the problem is solved and worst of all for me, though not for the kids, school was sunk today.  That is what happens if your school lesson is suppose to be online...  (and here I thought I was being clever!)

How is it that I got myself so suckered into this web?  I am shocked by my own addiction to the web.  I realize, that I have become caught in the community that isn't physical!  HELP!!!  This is not good.

And then my boys can't understand why I don't want them on the net?  Or on a cellphone of their own?  Nevermind the horrible stuff out there on the net!  It is a social addiction.  We become addicted to the social networks we build, the blogs we read, the-click-of-a-button fast information we can find.  I was horrified at the thought of having to enter a bank the other day, even though I had to deposit money into my own account!

And I always thought myself free of this addiction.  When have a tool became a bad habit?  Was it when it became a social group?  Was it the interaction that caught me?  I think so.  You see, I love being part of all my facebook friends lives.  For many of them, it is the only time we can catch up on what we are doing.

If it is not a bad addiction, then why did I feel like I was having withdrawal symptoms?

Well, tonight I'm saying goodbye to you all for a whole month.  I'm going away, and will have very limited internet access.  Even less than what I have now...

I hope you'll miss me, as I'm sure to miss you all.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to send you all a postcard from Tioman...

Goodnight all.  I'll see you all soon again.

From little old me.

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