Friday 15 July 2011

Lets be animated...

You know what I love about animated movies?  It is how the creators of these movies gives life to mundane, ordinary objects of our day to day life.  As you can probably tell, I just returned from my date with bratling # 2 and we went to watch 'Cars 2'. 

Can you imagine a world were normal things come to life?  Imagine walking into your kitchen and discovering that your pots and wooden spoons are arguing about the taste of your cooking.  Or hearing the plates in the dishwasher complaining that the water jets is not working as well as it should, and they are still soiled.

What about your clothes having a nice sing-a-long in the washing machine?  Or maybe it complains to the iron that it made a pleat in it, where no pleat should be.

Or what about the lounge furniture?  Maybe you have a couch that hates animals, and shoos them off all the time.  Or maybe you have a chair that loves the cuddle of a fury creature and that is why your cat always end up on it.

What stories will be told by all our gadgets? 

Cellphone:  "I just hate going to the movies!  I always gets turned off and can't watch what is happening! Is it my fault that I start ringing when I get exited?  I much rather stay at home!" 

Or the camera:  "Wait till I show you what the kids got up to today!  Honestly, they are going to give their mother gray hair with all their tricks!"

What will you PC or laptop have to say? "It is so boring...  All she ever does, is go to the same old boring sites.  Wish I can get hacked again.  Maybe I'll then get to meet some more fun computers to hang out with..."

Would the lady gadgets team up and form social clubs and support groups?  Would the male gadgets have to best each other, no matter what their job description is? 

I can just imagine it.  My cellphone, PC and camera, will have a good sit down and talk about how wonderful all the latest family news and photos were.  And what can be done to make me access more friends and family.  How can they work together to make sure my life is easier?  But then one would say something stupid and the other will get all huffed up and soon a cat fight breaks out.  Eventually, the timid one will apologize and call it quits.  Then all will be better. Or, maybe that is what happens when your gadget gives up the ghost.  It just had enough of all the other gadgets and their attitude towards it.

My husband's cellphone, notepad and camera would brag about who got used where and who did the best job in helping my husband in his various tasks. They will argue about who's job is the most important, and which one is the most needed.  Then they will start bragging about what each one can do and how they helped my husband in the last 24 hours. They will kick back and enjoy a good battle of mine is bigger than yours.

Sometimes, I'm rather glad my animals can't talk.  There is a couple of them, that I suspect will ramble my ears of my head.  And maybe I don't really want to know what my cats think.  Especially the one...  I have a sneaky suspicion he doesn't like the way things are run in this house. He can't see why he should not be the center of attention at all times.  His name should have been Garfield for all his attitude.

And if my car had to have a will of its own?  I can just imaging what she will do.  Maybe she will be able to better defend herself against the reckless shoppers that bang their doors open and harm her.  Ever notice how many marks your car have from parking lots at shopping centers?  Won't it be nice if your car could hit back?

Imagine how burglar proof your house can be! 

Ah well,  we don't live in animation.  So, I better go see what I'm going to make for supper on my own.  Can't just shout orders to the kitchen equipment...

Why don't you dream up some fun animation ideas up for the stuff in your house.  Can make for fun dinner conversation.

Enjoy your evening. 
From Little old me.

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