Sunday 10 July 2011

What is Heaven?

What is your idea of heaven? What do most of us think heaven is about?  How often to you hear someone say, 'this was heaven'  or 'that was heavenly' or 'almost like heaven".  You may even say so yourself, many times over.

We use heaven and the Lord's name so quickly and easily.  We give normal humanly created things 'divine' status, without thinking twice.  Ice-cream, cake, and food of all sorts, often gets a divine status.  Maybe you think that heaven is going to be filled with an as-much-as-you-can-eat buffet?  Or maybe it was a piece of music, or art, or even a movie.  So, is heaven going to be a theater filled with cultural pieces to keep you from boredom?  Oh, the best I heard was a shopping center being called divine!  I mean really?  Can you imaging a mall in heaven?!

OK, I know there will be a feast in heaven so tick the food idea. I'm sure there will be music of some sort.  BUT SHOPPING?  What glory is there to God in a mall?!

So what is heaven going to be like?  I know some people will say that it is a place where you won't know your mother-in-law, for there will be no pain. Or other similar silly statements.  What about the pearly gates with a couple of angels or saints doing guard duty, judging you worthy of heaven or not?

Heaven is a subject of jokes for many people.  And believe me, I have laughed at my fair share of some.  It can be very funny, if you don't understand heaven.  If you look at heaven from a human perspective, you can think up some really funny scenarios.

But what is Heaven?  Why do so many people want to believe in Heaven?  What does it hold for us?

I think the idea of Heaven is for many people the hope they need to get through their suffering.  A place where they hope to meet up with loved ones that has passed on to the next life.  Maybe they hope it is a place where they will get their just reward for all the good things they have done. 

Is Heaven real?  Oh yes!  For sure it is real.  But Heaven is holy, it is divine and it is Godly.  It is not at all something we as normal humans can understand.  The Bible is very clear about Heaven in certain aspects. 

Heaven is God's dwelling.  If you enter heaven, you will stand 'face' to face with God.  We all know that, that is impossible to do now.  God's holiness will disintegrate you as you are now.  No-one can see God and live.  So Heaven is a scary place for a mere sinful human.  Unless you have a Shield that can protect you from God, you don't stand a chance.

Heaven is holy.  It is a place set apart for God.  We shouldn't take Heaven lightly, as it is declared holy by God for God.  So we should treat it as holy.  Just like the temple of old was holy, so Heaven is holy.  We can only enter it if we were ceremonially washed and cleansed.  Only after we have been atoned for our sins.

As for angels or saints passing judgement? God will be your judge.  Your acceptance into Heaven will only come if you pass Jesus' judgement on your kinsmanship to Him.  If you don't stand in relation to God, you won't enter.

Next time you think of Heaven, don't imagine a worldly view, but focus on the Godly view.  Don't take it lightly.  You cannot enter it on your own.  You won't see all your friends and family members there.  But you will see God and spend eternity with Him, if you enter by His Grace, in the presence of His Son, washed from sin by the blood of Jesus, atoned by the ultimate price of Christ's death on the Cross, having Jesus as your shield from God's wrath. Basically, if you stand firmly in Christ, I will see you there.

Then we can glorify God together.  We can bless Him with our prayers and songs of praise together with the angels and all the saints. We will be blessed in joining Him at the biggest wedding feast ever held.  This is Heaven. 

May God bless you all this week. May He give you a glimpse of Heaven as you find a song or prayer of praise rising to your lips.  May it come in thanks for all the blessing He gives you on a daily basis.

God bless you.

From Little old Blessed me.



  1. Great points!
    But we do read Heaven will be a new Earth, and some of us are going to reign over cities (Luk 19:17) - then shopping malls aren't such a ridiculous idea. We will live life, surely a different holy life, but we will be busy. And while God is going to make everything new, shopping malls could be there, they will be new though, nothing we are used to on earth with money and indulging. We can give God glory in everything - also in shopping malls and the way we do our shopping or running a shop in a shopping mall.
    Just last week my daughter and I needed something in a shopping mall, we did't have much time and was looking for something totally different from the current fashion for young girls. We prayed on our way to the shopping mall, specifying to God what we were looking for. As we walked into the shopping centre there was a shop with the merchandise we were looking for. In the second row we found exactly what we were looking for. We were over joyed. Another lady was shopping in the same shop and started talking to us, we were so excited about our shopping - just there and then we could testify of God's faithfulness! Twenty minutes later we left the shopping mall with our God-provided-merchandise.
    I'm looking forward to see you in Heaven too!
    Blessed week to you too.

  2. Linnie, I stand corrected! Thank you for that wonderful testimony. Another small blessing shared.
