Tuesday 5 July 2011

Homeschoolers Rock!

You know what?  I love my fellow homeschooling friends!  Especially their kids.
Home schooled children are not like other kids.  They often grow up with virtually no electronic gadgets or very limited time on them. Most of them have some form of religious influence in their lives about which the parents are passionate about, so there is good grounding.  Mom is generally around to talk some manners into them. And overall they are not obnoxious brats that demand you give them what they want.

When a bunch of homeschoolers get together, you don't hear, "I'm too old to play with that one", or "please mom, I don't have anyone my age here to play with". You don't hear, "We're bored. Please can we play Wii/PSP/or whatever other electronic gadget?"

O, no!  You will find the homeschoolers off exploring the world together, finding tadpoles and snails.  Dreaming up fascinating games involving toys made from wood, mostly sticks, and nails taken from dad's garage.  Yes, there is the bought toy, but hey, if my friend don't have one, lets make one up.  And then that toy looks far cooler than mine, so lets make more.

And before you know it, you have 6 knights practicing sword training on the grass in the rain. Or little girls making pretend stews in their homemade pots.  They don't come and ask you for anything, you might even forget you have them all at your house, because they are all outside playing.  Or if they are indoors, it is with lego sets, building empires and games. Or they'll ask permission to turn your lounge into a nomad tent town.

(I had a fair amount of them on my property today, and I must admit, I only saw them if they came in to swipe some more food of the table, or had something really cool to show mom!)

Homeschool friends are never bored.  They are imaginative, fun loving and highly creative.  They are polite and friendly.

Best of all?  They can actually have a decent conversation with anybody, no matter what their age.  Even the really shy ones can talk your ears of your head if you try to win their trust.

So, why is this? Personally, I feel it is because these kids grow up in the way they were meant to grow up.  For one, they have mom with them for most of the time. They don't get shunted off to school to cope on their own.  They learn who they are from the people responsible for their existence, or those that took it over, if they are adopted.   They have firm foundations laid down in their understanding of self. 

You will seldom see a homeschool mommy trying to make her boy less boy and her girl less girl. Quite the opposite.  Boys are encouraged to be men like dad and the girls to be women like mom.  Homeschools, know the power of knowing your place in this world.  If the child is firmly rooted, they can fly.

So you see, even though it is a sacrifice to be a homeschool mom, it is a tremendous blessing.  It is a blessing to each child that is at home, for it builds self-esteem and save you child from harmful influences that you have no control over when they are at school.  It is a blessing for the mom, because you have so much more time to just love your child and prepare your child for the world out there.

For all those mommies out there that just can't be home for their little ones.  I am truly sorry you have to miss out on this blessing.  If you can make a plan to  change your situation, do so.

For those mommies out there thinking it is just an impossible task.  I thought so too, but God had other plans and I found out I can do it.

For those of you that still think I'm off my rocker.  Well, it is a mad house here.  So yes, you are probably right.  But then, I don't suffer from insanity, I absolutely love it!!!

Good night all, enough ramblings for one night.
From Little old me!


  1. You are not describing my home schooled kids! :-) they often get bored. Fight and argue. Forget to be polite to adults. Want to watch DVDs instead of playing outside. And many of our school going friends are as excited about learning, playing outside, etc as my kids are often. I wonder if it's just because the pool of kids in mainstream schools is much bigger and therefore more potential for bad eggs? Added to that the kids who are home schooled by nature of the schooling have more time with their parents and therefore more parental influence? I guess things are a little more muddied with sinfulness and broken world stuff than we like to believe? Even home schooled kids are not immune :-) That is not to say that I don't love home schooled kids for who they are as little people and how home schooling helps shape them, but I love loads of mainstream schooled kids who possess similar zest for life and learning :-)

  2. Hahaha Taryn! I was waiting for someone to say I'm wrong! Don't worry, I'm rambling some more on the subject later today. I realized that it might have sounded bad for the other kids. But I just had such a fabulous day with the kids from Tekioo class yesterday, I had to rub in, how nice they are. ;)
    Plus, your kids are darlings. Even if they are monsters at home. We are all sinful, even biased mommies ;)

  3. It's the blogger's curse, I tell you! Write a post enthusing about something without realizing how it may be received by an audience other than that which it was intended for! :-) been there done that and got into loads of trouble numerous times! My comment wasn't to jump on you tho - I get what you are saying and I love that generalization of home school kids because that is often the case. Just not always :-)

  4. O, don't worry Taryn. I went to bed knowing I did bad. Hopefully todays post set the record straight. I struggle with being politically correct. Family disorder...
