Thursday 7 July 2011

Some Ramblings on Raising Kids.

OK, I'll confess, my last post was a seriously biased post!  Not all kids in the regular school system are brats and not all kids that are homeschooled are angels. Ask me, I regularly have to confess to having 3 bratlings.  And my kids have some lovely friends that are in normal schools with mommies and daddies that work.

So how do they do it?  How do you have well balanced kids when you are working and sending them to school? I think the magic lies in parent involvement.  If mom or dad makes time for their child on a daily basis. Talk about nothing and everything, show interest in the child's life. If you do this, then your children learn they too are important.

Find out what is going on at school.  Be the nosy, over involved mom.  Your child will love it at times, and hate it at times, but you will know what is going on.

Make sure that you make time to talk to your child about the important things in life.  Don't expect the church to tell your child about God.  You must teach your child about God.  If you don't know the truth, study it with you child and find the answer.  Teach your child to question all the "truths" out there, without having to go and try it all out. 

Can you imagine what will happen if your child decide to find out the truth about drugs by first having to try it out?

Don't expect the school to tell your child about creation, for they teach evolution.
It is easier to deny God than to understand the mystery that is God and His creation.

Sex education in school is more about how to avoid getting a STD than the true reason for it and why it should be sacred.  Remember, to the world out there sees sex as a recreation tool, not a beautiful thing to be shared between a husband and wife.

The schools are very secular,  so if you are not, you have to spend extra time teaching your child your values.  Not just the values, but also the reason behind the values.

Todays kids are not satisfied with a "because, this is the way it should be" reason.
Be prepared to back-up whatever value you teach your child.  They will need to defend themselves in the world out there, if they don't live the way their friends do.

If the parents build the foundation of their child life, it doesn't matter where they school.  Make sure your child can defend their views without fear. Help them to not just gain knowledge, but to apply it.  Remember, the power lies in  applied knowledge.

And then be there for them, when the system makes their live a misery.  Because the system don't like independent, well adjusted kids.  They don't make good slaves...

So, if you have ticked all these boxes, give yourself a pat on the back and bring the kids over for a playdate. ;)

Enjoy your day!

With love from little old me.

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