Tuesday 29 September 2015

Treasuring the Moments

This last week had been a week of many ups and downs.  I enjoyed watching my two younger kids bond more and more as they now only have each other to play with.  They also took on a lot more responsibility as they had to share the tasks, that the oldest bratling would normally do, between them.  And they have been stars in this area.  We had fun times with friends and times to just be silly together. All of it being little moments of blessing in our lives.

Then this weekend Bratling #2 went away on camp and suddenly it was only Girly Bratling and myself left in our big house, which suddenly felt huge as the silence descended.  Our puppy managed to injure his tail and we had to wait until Monday to find out if it was bone damage or just muscle injury as the vet's x-ray machine needed repair.  Thankfully, he got a clean bill of health yesterday and the painmeds are helping his muscles heal quickly.  But sending his boss away, not knowing what goes on, was quite heavy for all of us.  Lucky pup was showing remarked improvement by Friday evening on the meds, so I could send a message to calm some nerves.  X-rays done yesterday only confirmed that all was well and that there shouldn't be future problems.

In between it all, the Big Brat and Biggest Bratling, were saying goodbye to France and heading into Italy, sending me messages of all the exciting things they see and do.  I love reading his blog, spelling and grammar mistakes an all.  Seeing and experiencing famous sights through his eyes and senses.

In general,  I felt blessed that we as a family could have all these experiences.  We truely are living a blessed life.

But at the same time, I was constantly worried, are my bratlings doing OK?  Are they warm enough, fed enough, coping with being away from home and their dogs (and each other)?  For the first time in my life I had my three kids in three different places.  Two of them in places they have never been before.  One alone with friends in a place that is an hour's drive away if conditions are good.  The Biggest Bratling at least still had his dad to be with him.

I kept wondering how my parents did it.  How did they cope with their feelings when we went away on camps and eventually when my sister took her first overseas trip only to return years later.  Those days there where limited communication opportunities.   Today I can skype and sms or whatsapp.  Even though Bratling #2 didn't take his phone with, I could still send him the needed message.  How did our parents do it?  How did our great grandparents do it?  Send their children oceans apart, with communications sporadic at best? 

And I realise that in our own country, just a few kilometers away from me, there are plenty of people who fled their home countries, leaving behind wives and small children as they try and make a living in a world that is becoming more and more intolerant of them.  Many of us have domestic servants whose kids grow up without them in rural Eastern Cape.  Often these people don't see their families for months, sometimes years.  Families are broken up and torn apart all in the pursue of finding work to put food on the table.

This weekend I realised my treasures and counted my blessings.  I can have my children with me.  I'm blessed to have them with me 24/7.  It is needed to let them go, like I did this month, but I know they will return and we will once again be together.  Enjoying each other's company.  When I fetched Bratling #2 on Sunday, I held him a little tighter and longer.  Drinking in the feel of his arms around me, knowing that one day he will be all grown up and will leave me to be his own person in his own right.  But I was blessed with that moment and will treasure the joy I saw in his face when he saw me.  I will remember the warm hug. 

 My blessings are plentiful, but my treasures are my family.