Friday 18 September 2015

Bratling # 1 takes his fist solo flight!

Today is a big day in our house. Bratling #1 is flexing his wings, and took his first complete solo flight this morning. 

For the last 12 months we have been plotting and planning and finally arranging a very special trip for Bratling #1 with his dad.  Big Brat and I had agreed with the boys that when they are 14 they can each get a solo trip with Dad to a destination of their choice.  Well, Bratling #1 turned 14 this year and the big day for his trip arrived today.

We live in Cape Town, and Big Brat was waiting in the "not quite South Africa yet" section of the airport in Johannesburg for his son to arrive.  (He flew in from somewhere in Africa yesterday and had the joy of spending the night in a transit hotel.  At least he got some rest in.)  Bratling #1 had the task to see himself through security in Cape Town and Johannesburg, passed the immigration desk there to meet up with Big Brat for their flight to Paris.

After settling butterflies last night, we all managed to get to bed early and have some sleep.  Our wake up call was 5am this morning, which is believe me very unusual for this brood of brats and bratlings.  I were pleasantly surprised when we all were dressed and present in the car by 5:45am.  (OK, we did leave breakfast for the airport goodbyes.)

I don't know whose tummy had the most butterflies this morning.  Bratling # 1, who was to go on his first big solo trip without adult supervision, Big Brat waiting in Johannesburg knowing there is nothing he can do but wait, or me, the mom who had to let go and watch her child walk off through security and know that she is not going to see him till God willing he returns in 26 sleeps from now.  That was the hardest thing  for me to do today, to say, "Off you go!  Go have fun!"  When I just want to hold him back and keep him with me. 

Well, he made his way on his own to the meeting point.  He did it without too  much problems and as we speak the two of them are on a plane on their way to Europe.

What a blessing it is to give him this opportunity, to trust him to be adult enough to cope with the responsibility, but mostly to know I can trust God to keep a look out on him.

Have an amazing trip Bratling # 1!  I hope you and Big Brat are blessed out of your socks with a wonderful time together, bonding and exploring.  Gonna miss the two of you so much...

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