Friday 9 October 2015

The Truth of this Mom's take on Bratling #1's Trip of a Life Time.

This week has been a hard one for me as a mother and wife.  As most of you know, Big Brat and Bratling #1 are on a trip of a life time, touring from Paris to Rome via Pompei.  To tell the truth, I've had so many mixed emotions about this trip.  There are times that I really have to rationalize with myself to remind me why I agreed upon sending him on this adventure.  Even though he is with his father, I worry.  Is he eating enough, is he sleeping well, how is he coping emotionally, is he warm enough, is he safe enough?

Well, on Sunday I got an sms from the hubby to tell me that Bratling's phone got pickpocketed on the the train to Pompei.  Knowing how badly my boy would take this, my heart was breaking with the ache to be there for him and to cope with not being able to be there.  I felt terrible for my husband as I know how helpless he would feel in the onslaught of emotions my son would go through. 

It has also been a hard week as this is the 3 week (and luckily the last week) of their trip and I'm missing my child something awful.  I'm used to being without the husband, and though I miss him, I can cope.  My son on the other hand... I worry about him nonstop.  Is this what empty nest syndrome feels like?

The on Wednesday, hubby informs me that he almost lost our son, as they got separated during a tour and for almost an hour could not find each other.  Deep down I know they both would have been fine, but I also know how much it must have freaked them out and had them worrying about the other person.  I know the emotional rollercoaster this incident must have set off in their hearts and minds and again I'm not there to mother them.

I think the hardest lesson for me to have learned this week was that my boy will be fine, even if I'm not there.  God is there to comfort him and is protecting him.  And in the reassurance that he is in God's hands and that he has God's protection on him, I find my blessing this week.  Yes, I know that things will go wrong and that it can go horribly wrong, but I also know that God always have a bigger plan in sight and things will always work out to glorify Him.  I have learned that even in suffering there is blessing, or rather I should say, especially in suffering there is blessing if you belong to God.

I've learned this week to once again to just trust in the LORD and rejoice in His blessings upon my life and the lives of my children.

May God's blessing become clear to you in your life.
From Little Old Me.

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