Sunday 28 August 2011

Some more Ramblings.

Just when you think you can get back to normal, life will proof that 'normal' is a relative term. We arrived safely back home and all seemed fine, only to have my pc die on me.  Thankfully, I was blessed by a friend of mine, who have a spare pc available for me to use. 

(He is a real wonder in our lives.  Sometimes we wonder what we would do without him, and other times we wonder what to do with him.  But we love him just the same.  As a matter of fact, to my kids, he is their uncle, to my husband, a brother and to me, another child.  He is such a big part in our lives, that we had him move in with us.  So, if you hear me talk of my adopted brat (age 60 does not qualify him for bratling status)you know who it is.)

Well, after almost 3 days of struggling without my regular IT support on hand, I am now back online and ready to go.  God has blessed me with skills I know I dont have to get to this point.  I think my husband was doing some serious praying on the rig, to get me to this far.

The only problem I have now, is that I have so much to say to you all, about so many different subjects, that I don't know where to start...

Well, for one thing, who left the freezer door open?  Man!  It has been cold in Cape Town since we came back.  Note to self:  Next time you go on a tropical holiday, don't come back before winter isn't over!

I must confess I have been rather shocked by the temparature difference.  Coming from 31 degrees to 13 degrees was not pleasant.  The water in Malaysia was warmer than our weather!  And I couldn't even see the snow to make up for suffering the cold.

Now that the ice is broken, what else can I talk about that has been brewing in my mind?  How heavy a topic do I want to go for?  The life-universe-and-everything kind of topic, of which I have plenty, or the more life-is-funny type of topic?  Got plenty of those too...

Well, I think the one thing I learned this week is to respect my husband for what he does.  Fixing broken pc's and computers in general must be a pain in the butt.  Working on different keyboards, every time, a thousand times a day, must be a skill almost as impressive as playing a piano.  Not to mention all the different screen settings.  I forgot how nice I had my own pc set up. Going to hate having to find all the buttons to do it all over again.  Took me almost 3 years to get my pc the way I liked it...  Oh well, at least is the big brat blessed with the skill to do all this, for it brings home the bacon and I'm blessed to only have to suffer through it once in a blue moon.
Another thing that has me puzzled is why the month of August is so littered with birthdays?!  I mean really, what is it that caused this?  It is too early for good Christmas holiday results...  In my direct family I have 5 birthdays, not to mention uncles, aunt and cousins. Two of which are my own bratlings! I lost count of all my friends who have August birthdays... If it weren't for Facebook, I would have a hard time keeping track.  Although, galavanting as I did this month, I had to post a blanket birthday wish, as I missed most of their birthdays in anyway.  That sort of happens when you are on a tropical island with limited internet access.  Not that I complain about all of you!  You are each a blessing in my life.

You know what else bugs me?  How much clothes lands up in the washing basket over a weekend.  Don't the family realise that Monday is linen day.  Don't use up all the clothes in your cupboards please!  But for some reason, on Saturday and Sunday, the kids get more messy?  Am I the only one suffering from this?
Well, at least we are blessed with lots of clothes to wear, I maybe I should not complain too loudly.

Well, tomorrow we attempt to get life back to normal in our house.  Or as normal as possible.  Lets hope the fires will die down for a bit, so that I can have a smooth start.

Have a blessed week everyone.  Hopefully, I will soon be back to my normal, regular ramblings.
From Little old me.

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