Wednesday 24 August 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, there is nothing as nice as spending a month doing as little as possible on a tropical island, except coming home and sleeping in your own bed!!!  No other bed ever sleeps the same as your own bed.  It was bliss going to bed last night.  Curling up under the duvet and smelling home all around me. Had the first real sleep in weeks, but who cares about sleep if you are lazing about in anyway.

The zoo looks like it survived.  The only deaths was my old cockatial, who was probably older than we knew, and a goldfish that I expected to expire before we left already.  I have two nests in the avery with eggs, so how many babies are on the way there?! And my ducks and dogs are doing the nature thing. The ducks lay eggs where ever they think is safe and the dogs go hunting their nests down and eat up the eggs as fast as the ducks can lay it... Thanks for that bit of nature, don't know what I will do with millions of ducklings around.  Especially, since I'm not allowed to raise the ducks for the pot...  Pity really, they taste delicious.  I have a couple of good recipies to use.

The house is sparkling clean as my righthand had all her time to spend spring cleaning early.  All the cupboards are need and the toys sorted.  She must have really enjoyed the luxury of no interference. No kids getting in her way and messing up as she cleans. 

A further blessing is that my husband has traveled safely back to Brazil and only needs to return to his rig on Friday, giving him a couple of days to get over his jet lag. Apparently he had great seats on both flights there.  So glad he is getting some rest in.  11 hours time difference can kill you mentally.

The kids seems do be doing well.  Still going to bed earlier than normal, but not too bad.  Myself wish I can sleep for 24 hours...

But after the holiday we had, there is no reason for any complaints.  This was the best holiday ever.  A great time of relaxing and family time.  Doing a lot of things that is a once in a life time experience.  Seeing animals that even the local don't get to see often, made it an awesome experience for us all.  We can only say a big THANK YOU GOD!!!  He blessed us beyond our expectations and dreams.

The most amazing things was, as we asked for something, it happened.  I jokingly asked for a turtle to turn up on a dive and I ended up spending 5 minutes swimming with one!  My husband hopefully wished a flying squirrel to stay in one spot for photos and we got some amazing shots of this very shy animal. My son wished to see a flying gecko and we not only found one, but had the camera on hand to take photos as evidence.

The experiences we booked for in advance to enjoy in Singapore all went smoothly and left us buzzing for days afterwards.  If the middle bratling didn't have ears he would have been a hamburger all holiday long.  I don't think he will ever forget the month of his 8th birthday!  Swimming with dolphins, snorkeling in snorkeling paradise, seeing wild animals roam freely and to end it of, having breakfast with orangutans on you birthday, somehow leaves a lasting impression.  I think he was probably spoiled the most by God this time round.  And best of all was to see how genuinely thankful he is for every little thing he got to experience.

The oldest bratling got to experience simulated skydiving in a wind tunnel with the big brat and then got to experience scuba diving in paradise.  He felt all grown up afterwards.  Left mom with a big knot in the throat to see him getting so big.  I struggle to let go of him being my little, baby boy.  And this is just the beginning. He has quite an adventurous spirit.

As for Madam bratling:  Well, she got spoiled rotten by the locals and learned quite well to manipulate everyone around her with a full blown tantrum.  Being home has brought back reality and she is busy realizing that here we all ignore 2 year old tantrums, no matter how hard you throw yourself on the floor kicking and screaming.  Her vocabulary has grown amazingly and she now speaks sentences, only problem is that a couple of Malay words has sneaked into her speech.  So if she tells you "mak-ka-si", she is not swearing at you, she is just saying thank you in Malay. 

Now the big job of going through all the photos lays ahead.  I have to process this soon, or else it will become a mess.  Lets hope I get the time to do it all. 

I'm glad to be back home and back on my social network.  Missed you all in a small way.

From a cold Cape Town, I say goodnight everyone.

From Little Old Me...

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